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Rhein, M. The IPCC Report: climate change and drivers IUP Seminar "Ozean, Eis, und Atmosphäre" Bremen, (DE) 12.11.2013 (T)
Schmid, F. Flow and mixing of water masses above the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis Seminar on Physical Oceanography Bremen, (DE) 01.11.2013 (T)
Rhein, M. Der 5. IPCC Bericht: Klimawandel heute und morgen Physikalisches Kolloquium, FB1 Bremen, (DE) 31.10.2013 (T)
Kieke, D. Large-scale spreading of North Atantic Deep Water components in the subpolar North Atlantic IUP Seminar "Ozean, Eis, und Atmosphäre" Bremen, (DE) 22.10.2013 (T)
Buss, A., M. Rhein, J. Sültenfuß, and O. Huhn Upwelling in the Weddell Sea inferred from helium isotopes disequilibrium DFG Koordinationsworkshop SPP 1158 Bochum, (DE) 26.09.2013 (P)
Rhein, M. Observation II: ocean and cryosphere IPCC Meeting Stockholm, (S) 24.09.2013 (T)
Buss, A., and J. Köhler Auf der Jagd nach Schwarzen Rauchern Open Ship "Maria S. Merian" Bremen, (DE) 22.09.2013 (T)
Roessler, A. Beobachtete Transportschwankungen des Subpolarwirbels am Mittelatlantischen Rücken RACE!-Statusseminar Bremen, (DE) 16.09.2013 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Storage of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic 3rd Sino-German Symposium Qingdao, (CN) 04.09.2013 (T)
Köhler, J., C. Mertens, M. Walter, U. Stöber, M. Rhein, and T. Kanzow Temporal variability in the internal wave field and associated mixing in the Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current 6th Warnemünde Turbulence Days 2013 Vilm, (DE) 13.08.2013 (T)
Buss, A., O. Huhn, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Upwelling in the Weddell Sea inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, M. Hoppema, and S. van Heuven Slowing down of deep and bottom water ventilation and anthropogenic carbon storage in the Weddell Sea IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Kieke, D., B. Klein, I. Yashayaev, M. Rhein, R. Steinfeldt, and H. M. van Aken Spreading of Labrador Sea Water in the subpolar North Atlantic and its relation to the location of the Sub-Arctic Front IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Schneider, L., D. Kieke, K. Jochumsen, M. Rhein, E. Varotsou, N. Serra, I. Yashayaev, and E. Colbourne Variability of Labrador Sea Water exported through Flemish Pass IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, and D. Kieke Uptake and storage of anthropogenic carbon by North Atlantic Deep Water IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Stendardo, I., and M. Rhein Freshwater and salinity variability in the North Atlantic IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (P)
Stendardo, I., D. Kieke, N. Gruber, and M. Rhein Interannual variability and trends in oxygen in the mode and intermediate waters of the subpolar North Atlantic IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (T)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, F. M. Schmid, P. Werdenbach-Jarklowski, J. Köhler, I. Yeo, J. Jamieson, C. W. Devey Turbulence and diapycnal mixing above the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 26.07.2013 (P)
Köhler, J., C. Mertens, M. Walter, U. Stöber, M. Rhein, and T. Kanzow Variability in the internal wave field and associated mixing in the western tropical Atlantic IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 24.07.2013 (T)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, M. Walter, C. w. Böning, E. Behrens, D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt Transports and intra-seasonal variability in the western subpolar North Atlantic, 47 N IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2013 Göteborg, (S) 24.07.2013 (T)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, C. Mertens, A. Roessler, R. Steinfeldt, M. Walter, K. Bulsiewicz, and W. Böke Measurements of AMOC components in the subpolar North Atlantic: NOAC US AMOC/UK RAPID International Science Meeting "AMOC Variability: Dynamics and Impacts" Baltimore, (US) 16.07.2013 (T)
Huhn, O. What can we learn from oceanic trace gas observations? Slowing down of deep and bottom water ventilation and anthropogenic CO2 storage Joint IUP-AWI Seminar Bremerhaven, (DE) 05.07.2013 (T)
Rhein, M. Langzeitbeobachtungen im Atlantik Observatorien-Workshop "Zukunftsperspektiven deutscher Ozean-Observatorien" Hamburg, (DE) 18.06.2013 (T)
Buss, A., O. Huhn, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Upwelling in the Weddell Sea Bremen PhD Days for Marine Sciences Etelsen (DE) 23.04.2013 (T)
Roessler, A., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, and D. Kieke Transport variability of the subpolar gyre at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge EGU General Assembly 2013 Wien, (A) 09.04.2013 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., S. Rütten, J. Sültenfuß, M. Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Upwelling velocities inferred from helium isotopes SOPRAN III Kick-off Meeting Leipzig, (DE) 19./20.03.2013 (P)
Buß, A., O. Huhn, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Upwelling in the Weddell Sea inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium 25th International Congress on Polar Research "Changing Polar Regions" Hamburg, (DE) 18.03.2013 (P)
Steinfeldt, R. Klimamaschine Nordatlantik Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Platjenwerbe Platjenwerbe, (DE) 08.03.2013 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., S. Rütten, J. Sültenfuß, M. Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Coastal upwelling off Mauritania IUP-AWI-Block-Seminar Bremen, (DE) 04.02.2013 (T)
Schneider, L. Export of Labrador Sea Water through Flemish Pass Ozeanographie-Seminar Bremen, (DE) 25.01.2013 (T)
Li, M., C. Mertens, M. Walter, and M. Rhein Estimate of mixing in the subpolar North Atlantic Seminar im Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) Kiel, (DE) 21.01.2013 (T)
Li, M., C. Mertens, M. Walter, and M. Rhein Mixing in the subpolar North Atlantic IUP Seminar "Ozean, Eis, und Atmosphäre" Bremen, (DE) 08.01.2013 (T)

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