Kieke, D., K. Bulsiewicz, C. Gapp, Y. Hinse, O. Huhn, B. Holanda, A. Hunkemöller, S. Kinne, M. Köllner, L. Krisztian, O. Krüger, I. Leimann, M. Pöhlker, A. Schneehorst, A. Smirnov, R. Steinfeldt, M. Stelzner, J. Stiehler, T. Svensson, S. Wett, and K. N. Wiegand (2021), AMOC Components at 47°N, Cruise No. M164 (GPF-19-1-105), June 23 - July 31, 2020, Emden (Germany) - Emden (Germany), METEOR-Berichte, Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, doi:10.48433/cr_m164. |
Moritz, M., K. Jochumsen, D. Kieke, B. Klein, H. Klein, M. Köllner, and M. Rhein (2021), Volume transport time series and variability of the North Atlantic Eastern Boundary Current at Goban Spur. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017393, doi:10.1029/2021JC017393. |
Nowitzki, H., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, D. Kieke, and C. Mertens (2021), Trends and transport variability of the circulation in the subpolar eastern North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016693, doi:10.1029/2020JC016693. |
Kieke, D., K. Bulsiewicz, I. Deschepper, O. Huhn, M. Kastens, A. Kersting, M. Köllner, L. Krisztian, I. Leimann, B. Mirau, M. Moritz, N. Rohlfs, A. Schneehorst, R. Steinfeldt, I. Stendardo, J. Stiehler, and R. Tao (2020), Long-term observations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Cruise No. MSM83, May 17 - June 15, 2019, Las Palmas (Spain) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, doi:10.2312/cr_msm83. |
Kieke, D, K. Altona, A. Buinyi, C. dos Santos Ferreira, L. Frahm, Y. Garcia Quintana, J. Gerken, A. Gerriets, A. Herland, S. Kinne, M. Köllner, S. Küper, G. Martinez-Mendez, B. Mirau, H. Nowitzki, C. Pennelly, M. Retsch, A. Roessler, A. Schneehorst, R. Steinfeldt, G. Stokland, P. Sültenfuß, H.-H. Uhde, F. Wischnewski (2019), Transport Measurements across 47°N in the North Atlantic, Cruise No. MSM64, May 27 - June 23, 2017, Southampton (Germany) - Galway (Ireland) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, doi:10.2312/cr_msm64. |
Frajka-Williams, E., I. J. Ansorge, J. Baehr, H. L. Bryden, M. P. Chidichimo, S. A. Cunningham, G. Danabasoglu, S. Dong, K. A. Donohue, S. Elipot, N. P. Holliday, R. Hummels, L. C. Jackson, J. Karstensen, M. Lankhorst, I. Le Bras, M. S. Lozier, E. L. McDonagh, C. S. Meinen, H. Mercier, B. I. Moat, R. C. Perez, C. G Piecuch, M. Rhein, M. Srokosz, K. E. Trenberth, S. Bacon, G. Forget, G. J. Goni, P. Heimbach, D. Kieke, J. Koelling, T. Lamont, G. McCarthy, C. Mertens, U. Send, D. A. Smeed, M. van den Berg, D. Volkov, C. Wilson (2019), Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Observed transports and mechanisms. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:260, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00260. |
Garcia Quintana, Y., P. Courtois, X. Hu, C. Pennelly, D. Kieke, P.G. Myers (2019), Sensitivity of Labrador Sea Water formation to changes in model resolution, atmospheric forcing, and freshwater input. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 124, 2126-2152, doi:10.1029/2018JC014459. |
Müller, V., D. Kieke, P.G. Myers, C. Pennelly, R. Steinfeldt, and I. Stendardo (2019), Heat and freshwater transport by mesoscale eddies in the southern subpolar North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 124, doi:10.1029/2018JC014697. |
Kieke, D, R. Arruda Monteiro da Silva, K. Bulsiewicz, K. Azetsu-Scott, N. Binnemann, A. Buinyi, C. Feucher, O. Huhn, M. Köllner, H. Nowitzki, J. Oelsmann, A. Röhler, N. Rohlfs, A. Schneehorst, R. Steinfeldt, H.-H. Uhde, K. Wiegand F. Wischnewski (2019), Subpolar Gyre Variability, Cruise No. MSM73, April 06 - May 22, 2018, Cadiz (Spain) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, doi:10.2312/cr_msm73. |
Kieke, D., W. Böke, S. Büttner, K. Bulsiewicz, C. Danek, T. Hempel, D. Khordakova, B. Mirau, A. Rochner, A. Roessler, N. Rohlfs, A. Schneehorst, R. Steinfeldt, P. Sültenfuß, H.-H. Uhde, S. Wett, K. Wiegand,and F. Wischnewski (2018), Subpolar Gyre Variability, Cruise No. MSM53, March 31 - May 09, 2016, Kiel (Germany) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, doi:10.2312/cr_msm53. |
Rhein, M., R. Steinfeldt, D. Kieke, I. Stendardo and I. Yashayaev (2017), Ventilation variability of Labrador Sea Water and its impact on oxygen and anthropogenic carbon, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 375(2102), doi:10.1098/rsta.2016.0321. |
Müller, V., D. Kieke, P.G. Myers, C. Penelly and C. Mertens (2017), Temperature flux carried by individual eddies across 47 N in the Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 2441-2464, doi:10.1002/2016JC012175. |
Kieke, D, R. Barbosa Primon, K. Bulsiewicz, C. Gjerdrum, K. Jochumsen, J. Meyerjürgens, M. Moritz, V. Müller, C. Rieper A. Rochner, P. Sültenfuß, L. Tiemann, E. Varotsou, A. Welsch, S. Wett, K. Wiegand, J. Winkel und F. Wischnewski (2016), FLEPVAR 2015 (Variability in Flemish Pass), Cruise No. MSM42, May 2 - May 22, 2015 - Bermuda - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, doi:10.2312/cr_msm42. |
Josey, S., J. Grist, D. Kieke, I. Yashayaev, and L. Yu (2015), Sidebar: Extraordinary ocean cooling and new dense water formation in the North Atlantic [in "State of the Climate in 2014"], special supplement to Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(7), S67-S68. |
Schneider, L., D. Kieke, K. Jochumsen, E. Colbourne, I. Yashayaev, R. Steinfeldt, E. Varotsou, N. Serra, and M. Rhein (2015), Variability of Labrador Sea Water transported through Flemish Pass during 1993 - 2013, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 5514-5533, doi:10.1002/2015JC010939. |
Varotsou, E., K. Jochumsen, N. Serra, D. Kieke, and L. Schneider (2015), Interannual transport variability of Upper Labrador Sea Water at Flemish Cap, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 5074-5089, doi: 10.1002/2015JC010705. |
RRoessler, A., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, and C. Mertens (2015), Long-term observations of North Atlantic Current transport at the gateway between western and eastern Atlantic, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 4003-4027, doi:10.1002/2014JC010662. |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt (2015), Advection of North Atlantic Deep Water from the Labrador Sea to the southern hemisphere, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 2471-2487, doi:10.1002/2014JC010605. |
Kieke, D., and I. Yashayaev (2015), Studies of Labrador Sea Water formation and variability in the subpolar North Atlantic in the light of international partnership and collaboration, Prog. Oceanogr., 132(3), 220-232, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2014.12.010. |
Kieke, D., T. Breckenfelder, M. Büsing, T. Diekmann, J. Gerken, D. Hauck, M. Horn, M. Hüsener, M. Leiner, D. Papp, M. Raschke, A. Roessler, A. Schneehorst, R. Steinfeldt, L. Schneider, I. Stendardo, D. Thewes, H.-H. Uhde, and J. Winkel (2015), NA-LINK I (Linking Past and Present in the North Atlantic) - Cruise No. MSM38, May 07 - June 05, 2014 Cadiz (Spain) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, doi:10.2312/cr_msm38, 50 pgs. |
Stendardo, I., D. Kieke, M. Rhein, N. Gruber, and R. Steinfeldt (2015), Interannual to decadal oxygen variability in the mid-depth water masses of the eastern North Atlantic, Deep-Sea Res. I, 95(1), 85-98, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.10.009. |
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, M. Walter, C.W. Böning, E. Behrens, D. Kieke, R. Steinfeldt, and U. Stöber (2014), Circulation and transports in the Newfoundland Basin, western subpolar North Atlantic, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 7772-7793, doi:10.1002/2014JC010019. |
Scholz, P., D. Kieke, G. Lohmann, M. Ionita, and M. Rhein (2014), Evaluation of Labrador Sea Water formation in a global Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model setup, based on a comparison with observational data, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 1644-1667, doi:10.1002/2013JC009232. |
Kieke, D. (2014), Änderungen in der Nordatlantischen Tiefenwasserbildung und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Europäische Klima. In: Warnsignal Klima: Die Polarregionen, [J. L. Lozan, H. Graßl, D. Piepenburg, D. Notz (Hrsg.)], Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, ISBN 39809668-60. |
Kieke, D., L. Abels, W. Böke, K. Bulsiewicz, C. Denker, D. Hauck, S. Hertzberg, N. Koopmann, R. Lahl, J. Lange, J. Löb, V. Müller, M. Peters, A. Roessler, R. Steinfeldt, I. Stendardo, and H.-H. Uhde (2014), NOAC (North Atlantic Changes) - Cruise No. MSM28, May 09 - June 20, 2013 - St. John's (Canada) - Tromsoe (Norway). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, doi:10.2312/cr_msm28, 41 pgs. |
Kieke, D., N. de Abreu Nunes, B. Grieshaber, C. Hinrichs, M. Horn, K. Jochumsen, C. Mertens, M. Moritz, M. Peters, L. Schneider, P. Sültenfuß, E. Varotsou, A. Welsch (2014), FLEPVAR 2013 (Flemish Pass Variability 2013) - Cruise MSM27 - April 19-May 06, 2013 - St. John's (Canada) - St. John's (Canada). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, doi:10.2312/cr_msm27, 26 pgs. |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, S. Hüttl-Kabus, A. Roessler, C. Mertens, R. Meissner, B. Klein, C.W. Böning, and I. Yashayaev (2011), Deep-water formation, the subpolar gyre, and the meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res. II, 58(17-18), 1819-1832, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.061. |
Kieke, D., B. Klein, L. Stramma, M. Rhein, und K. P. Koltermann (2009), Variability and propagation of Labrador Sea Water in the southern subpolar North Atlantic, Deep-Sea Res. I., 56(10), 1656-1674, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.05.010. |
LeBel, D. A., W. M. Smethie Jr., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, R. A. Fine, J. L. Bullister, D.-H. Min, W. Roether, R. F. Weiss, C. Andrie, D. Smythe-Wright und E. P. Jones (2008), The distribution of CFC-11 in the North Atlantic during WOCE: Inventories and calculated water mass formation rates, Deep-Sea Res. I, 55(8), 891-910, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.03.009. |
Haine, T., C. W. Böning, P. Brandt, J. Fischer, A. Funk, D. Kieke, E. Kvaleberg, and M. Rhein (2008), North Atlantic Deep Water Transformation in the Labrador Sea, Recirculation through the Subpolar Gyre, and Discharge to the Subtropics. In: Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes - Defining the Role of the Northern Seas in Climate, R. R. Dickson, J. Meincke, P. Rhines (Eds.), Springer, X, chap. 26. |
Smethie Jr., W. M., D. A. LeBel. R. A. Fine, M. Rhein, and D. Kieke (2007), Strength and variability of the deep limb of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation from chlorofluorocarbon inventories. In: A. Schmittner, J. Chiang, and S. Hemming, editors, Ocean Circulation: Mechanisms and Impacts, Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 173, pgs. 119-130, doi:10.1029/173GM09. |
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. M. Smethie Jr., J. L. Bullister, and Deborah A. LeBel (2007), Changes in the pool of Labrador Sea Water in the subpolar North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L06605, doi:10.1029/2006GL028959. |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt (2007), Ventilation of the Upper Labrador Sea Water, 2003-2005, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L06603, doi:10.1029/2006GL028540. |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein (2006), Variability of the overflow water transport in the western subpolar North Atlantic, 1950-1997, J. Physical Oceanogr., 36(3), 435-456, doi:10.1175/JPO2847.1. |
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. M. Smethie, D. A. LeBel, and W. Zenk (2006), Changes in the CFC inventories and formation rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 1997-2001, J. Physical Oceanogr., 36(1), 64-86, doi:10.1175/JPO2814.1. |
Kieke, D. (2005), Water mass circulation and variability in the subpolar North Atlantic. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 153 pgs. (pdf, auf englisch) |
Rhein, M., M. Walter, C. Mertens, R. Steinfeldt, und D. Kieke (2004), The circulation of North Atlantic Deep Water at 16 N, 2000 - 2003, Geophys. Res. Letters, 31, L14305, doi:10.1029/2004GL019993. |
Stramma, L., D. Kieke, M. Rhein, F. Schott, I. Yashayaev, and K. P. Koltermann (2004), Deep Water changes at the western boundary of the subpolar North Atlantic during 1996 to 2001, Deep-Sea Res. I, 51(8), 1033-1056, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2004.04.001. |
Rhein, M., and D. Kieke (2002), Was hat der Ozean mit dem Klima zu tun ?, in: Jahrbuch der Wittheit zu Bremen 2001/2002: Der Ozean - Lebensraum und Klimasteuerung, Weltweite Meeresforschung in Bremen und Bremerhaven, Hauschild Verlag, Wittheit zu Bremen, 148 pgs. |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein (1998), Untersuchung von Randstromtransporten im subpolaren Nordatlantik. Annalen der Meteorologie, 37(2), p.507-508. Deutsche Meteorologentagung DMT-98, 14.09.-18.09.1998, Leipzig. |
Kieke, D. (1997), Untersuchungen von Randstromtransporten im subpolaren Nordatlantik. Diplomarbeit, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel. |