2025 |2024 |2023 | 2022 |2021 | 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |2013 | 2012
2011 |2010 |2009 |2008 |2007 |2006 | 2005 und früher V = Vortrag / P = Poster
2023 | |||
Körtke, W., M. Walter, O. Huhn, T. Kanzow, und M. Vredenborg | MOSAiC from the Perspective of Transient Tracers | (AC)3 General Assembly, Leipzig | 05.-07.12.2023 (P) |
Oelerich, R., M. Walter, R. Bachmayer, Lucas Merckelbach, und Jeff Carpenter | Automated adaptive sampling with ocean gliders | TRR-Retreat 2023, Bremerhaven | 26.-29.09.2023 |
Huhn, O. | Ocean – ice shelf – sea ice interaction, submarine ice shelf melting and water mass formation in the southern Weddell Sea and its temporal evolution | Coordination Workshop SPP 1158 “Antarctic Research”, Potsdam | 18.-20.09.2023 (V) |
Huhn. O. | Noble gases and transient tracer observations in the Weddell Sea | Germany-Japan Joint meeting (The present and future state of the Weddell Sea/Southern Ocean), AWI, Bremerhaven | 12.09.2023 (V) |
Walter, M. | Feuer unter Eis – Heiße Quellen im Arktischen Ozean | Wissen um 11, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen | 26.08.2023 (V) |
Wett, S., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, C. Mertens, und M. Moritz | Meridional Connectivity of a 25-year Observational AMOC record at 47°N | AMOC Workshop "Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate ", Universität Hamburg | 18.-20.07.2023 (V) |
Stendardo, I., B. Buongiorno Nardelli, S. Durante, D. Iudicone, und D. Kieke | Variability of Subpolar Mode Water in the Subpolar North Atlantic | AMOC Workshop "Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate ", Universität Hamburg | 18.-20.07.2023 (V) |
Bracamontes Ramirez, J. | Internal wave transmission through a density staircase: Interfacial waves excitation | IUGG General Assembly, Berlin | 12.-19.07.2023 (V) |
Kralik M., und J. Sültenfuß | Helium-isotope data of 650 mainly shallow and deep groundwater in and around the easter alps (Austria, Europe) | IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich | 03. - 07.07.2023 (P) |
Vaikmäe R., J. Ivask, E. Kaup, T. Martma, K. Türk, K. Knöller, und J. Sültenfuß | Multi-tracer approach to understand nitrate contamination in Estonian groundwater under agricultural area | IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich | 03. - 07.07.2023 (P) |
Broers, H.-P., T. Kivits, und J. Sültenfuß | Tritium Based Travel Time Distributions and Nitrate Forecasts in Dutch Chalk Springs | IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich | 03. - 07.07.2023 (V) |
Kivits, T., H.-P. Broers, und J. Sültenfuß | Determining the Vulnerability of Public Drinking Water Supplies with Multi-tracer Age Dating | IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich | 03. - 07.07.2023 (V) |
Kanzow, T., M. Rhein, M. Walter, Z. Hofmann, O. Huhn, W. Körtke, B. Rabe, N. Sukhikh, und W.-J. von Appen | Coupling between atmosphere, oceanic mixed layer and pycnocline under Arctic amplification: The role of sea ice related processes | DFG Evaluation of (AC)3, Köln | 27.6.2023 (P) |
Huhn, O., und M. Rhein | Basal glacial meltwater on Greenland’s shelves and slopes, from the northeast towards Irminger Sea and Labrador Sea. | Sea Level Conference, International Maritime Museum Hamburg | 05.-07.06.2023 (V) |
Rhein, M. | The AMOC at 47N and its meridional connectivity | AMOC Webinar series (online) | 23.05.2023 (V) |
Rhein, M. | The AMOC in the subpolar North Atlantic | IOW Physical Oceanography Seminar (online) | 23.05.2023 (V) |
Walter. M, C. Mertens, und J. Sültenfuß | Hydrothermal 3He anomalies above the slow and ultraslow spreading ridges of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans | AGU Chapman Conference - Hydrothermal Circulation and Seawater Chemistry, Agros, Zypern | 15. - 19.05.2023 (P) |
Körtke, W., M. Walter, O. Huhn, M. Rhein, und T. Kanzow | Changes in the Atlantic Water circulation seen in CFC-12 and SF6 tracer ages in the central Arctic Ocean | Arctic and Subarctic Ocean Fluxes (ASOF) Workshop 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spanien | 10. - 12.05.2023 (V) |
Steinfeld, R., und M. Rhein | Estimating the efficiency of open ocean alkalinization | EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich | 24. - 28.04.2023 (V) |
Wett, S., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, C. Mertens, M. Moritz | Meridional Connectivity of a 25-year Observational AMOC record at 47°N | EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich | 24. - 28.04.2023 (T) |
Vredenborg, M., W. Körtke, B. Rabe, M. Walter, S. Tippenhauer, und O. Huhn | Upper Arctic Ocean properties and water mass pathways during the year-round MOSAiC expedition in the context of historical observations | EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich | 24. - 28.04.2023 (P) |
Draeger-Dietel, J., A. Griesel, M. Walter, J. Horstmann, R. Carrasco Alvarez, und J. Carpenter | Evidence of a dual kinetic energy cascade by surface drifter observation in the Walvis Ridge region | EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich | 24. - 28.04.2023 (V) |
Leimann, I., A. Griesel, M. Walter, J. Dräger-Dietel, und M. Epke | Meso- to submesoscale turbulence in the ocean | EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich | 24. - 28.04.2023 (P) |
Vredenborg, M., W. Körtke, B. Rabe, M. Walter, S. Tippenhauer, O. Huhn and Team MOSAiC OCEAN | Lower halocline and warm Atlantic Water properties and pathways during MOSAiC | 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference and Workshop, Boulder, USA | 13. - 17.02.2023 (V) |