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Körtke, W., M. Walter, O. Huhn, T. Kanzow, und M. Vredenborg MOSAiC from the Perspective of Transient Tracers (AC)3 General Assembly, Leipzig 05.-07.12.2023 (P)
Oelerich, R., M. Walter, R. Bachmayer, Lucas Merckelbach, und Jeff Carpenter Automated adaptive sampling with ocean gliders TRR-Retreat 2023, Bremerhaven 26.-29.09.2023
Huhn, O. Ocean – ice shelf – sea ice interaction, submarine ice shelf melting and water mass formation in the southern Weddell Sea and its temporal evolution Coordination Workshop SPP 1158 “Antarctic Research”, Potsdam 18.-20.09.2023 (V)
Huhn. O. Noble gases and transient tracer observations in the Weddell Sea Germany-Japan Joint meeting (The present and future state of the Weddell Sea/Southern Ocean), AWI, Bremerhaven 12.09.2023 (V)
Walter, M. Feuer unter Eis – Heiße Quellen im Arktischen Ozean Wissen um 11, Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen 26.08.2023 (V)
Wett, S., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, C. Mertens, und M. Moritz Meridional Connectivity of a 25-year Observational AMOC record at 47°N AMOC Workshop "Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate ", Universität Hamburg 18.-20.07.2023 (V)
Stendardo, I., B. Buongiorno Nardelli, S. Durante, D. Iudicone, und D. Kieke Variability of Subpolar Mode Water in the Subpolar North Atlantic AMOC Workshop "Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate ", Universität Hamburg 18.-20.07.2023 (V)
Bracamontes Ramirez, J. Internal wave transmission through a density staircase: Interfacial waves excitation IUGG General Assembly, Berlin 12.-19.07.2023 (V)
Kralik M., und J. Sültenfuß Helium-isotope data of 650 mainly shallow and deep groundwater in and around the easter alps (Austria, Europe) IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich 03. - 07.07.2023 (P)
Vaikmäe R., J. Ivask, E. Kaup, T. Martma, K. Türk, K. Knöller, und J. Sültenfuß Multi-tracer approach to understand nitrate contamination in Estonian groundwater under agricultural area IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich 03. - 07.07.2023 (P)
Broers, H.-P., T. Kivits, und J. Sültenfuß Tritium Based Travel Time Distributions and Nitrate Forecasts in Dutch Chalk Springs IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich 03. - 07.07.2023 (V)
Kivits, T., H.-P. Broers, und J. Sültenfuß Determining the Vulnerability of Public Drinking Water Supplies with Multi-tracer Age Dating IAEA International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology, Wien, Österreich 03. - 07.07.2023 (V)
Kanzow, T., M. Rhein, M. Walter, Z. Hofmann, O. Huhn, W. Körtke, B. Rabe, N. Sukhikh, und W.-J. von Appen Coupling between atmosphere, oceanic mixed layer and pycnocline under Arctic amplification: The role of sea ice related processes DFG Evaluation of (AC)3, Köln 27.6.2023 (P)
Huhn, O., und M. Rhein Basal glacial meltwater on Greenland’s shelves and slopes, from the northeast towards Irminger Sea and Labrador Sea. Sea Level Conference, International Maritime Museum Hamburg 05.-07.06.2023 (V)
Rhein, M. The AMOC at 47N and its meridional connectivity AMOC Webinar series (online) 23.05.2023 (V)
Rhein, M. The AMOC in the subpolar North Atlantic IOW Physical Oceanography Seminar (online) 23.05.2023 (V)
Walter. M, C. Mertens, und J. Sültenfuß Hydrothermal 3He anomalies above the slow and ultraslow spreading ridges of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans AGU Chapman Conference - Hydrothermal Circulation and Seawater Chemistry, Agros, Zypern 15. - 19.05.2023 (P)
Körtke, W., M. Walter, O. Huhn, M. Rhein, und T. Kanzow Changes in the Atlantic Water circulation seen in CFC-12 and SF6 tracer ages in the central Arctic Ocean Arctic and Subarctic Ocean Fluxes (ASOF) Workshop 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spanien 10. - 12.05.2023 (V)
Steinfeld, R., und M. Rhein Estimating the efficiency of open ocean alkalinization EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich 24. - 28.04.2023 (V)
Wett, S., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, C. Mertens, M. Moritz Meridional Connectivity of a 25-year Observational AMOC record at 47°N EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich 24. - 28.04.2023 (T)
Vredenborg, M., W. Körtke, B. Rabe, M. Walter, S. Tippenhauer, und O. Huhn Upper Arctic Ocean properties and water mass pathways during the year-round MOSAiC expedition in the context of historical observations EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich 24. - 28.04.2023 (P)
Draeger-Dietel, J., A. Griesel, M. Walter, J. Horstmann, R. Carrasco Alvarez, und J. Carpenter Evidence of a dual kinetic energy cascade by surface drifter observation in the Walvis Ridge region EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich 24. - 28.04.2023 (V)
Leimann, I., A. Griesel, M. Walter, J. Dräger-Dietel, und M. Epke Meso- to submesoscale turbulence in the ocean EGU General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich 24. - 28.04.2023 (P)
Vredenborg, M., W. Körtke, B. Rabe, M. Walter, S. Tippenhauer, O. Huhn and Team MOSAiC OCEAN Lower halocline and warm Atlantic Water properties and pathways during MOSAiC 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference and Workshop, Boulder, USA 13. - 17.02.2023 (V)