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B.Sc. /M.Sc. /PhD

finished PhD theses (Dr. rer. nat.)  
Dr. Joel Bracamontes-Ramírez (2024) Internal Wave Propagation in the Arctic Ocean (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Simon Wett (2024) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic, focussing on 47°N - variability, trends, and meridional connectivity
Dr. Kevin Wiegand (2023) Characteristics and causes of Irminger Water variability in the subpolar North Atlantic between 1993 and 2022 (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Hannah Nowitzki (2021) Pathways and variability of the circulation in the subpolar eastern North Atlantic studied with inverted echo sounders and model data (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Jonas Löb (2020) Observations of damping and scattering of low mode internal waves in the ocean (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Natalia Sukhikh (2020) Mixing Induced Vertical Heat and Freshwater Fluxes in the Upper Ocean of the Subpolar North Atlantic (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Vasco Müller (2017) Temperature and freshwater fluxes by individual eddies in the North Atlantic Ocean (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Linn Sanguineti (geb. Schneider) (2017) Labrador Sea Water exported through Flemish Pass: Hydrographic trends and transport variability inducing processes (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Tilia-Manuela Breckenfelder (2017) North Atlantic Current in model and observations: Transport variability, flow paths and hydrography (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Georg Sebastian Voelker (2017) Process studies on the generation of near-inertial internal gravity waves by wind (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Janna Köhler (2013) Long-term variability of internal waves and diapycnal mixing: The role of the North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Mingming Li (2013) Diapycnal mixing in the subpolar North Atlantic (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Achim Rößler (2013) Observed subpolar gyre transports at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Uwe Stöber (2009) Mixing and energy flux estimates from hydrographic measurements in the Deep Western Boundary Current of the North Atlantic (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Kerstin Kirchner (2007) Observed and modeled MOC related flow into the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Dagmar Kieke (2005) Water mass circulation and variability in the subpolar North Atlantic (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Oliver Huhn (2005) Transfer von Nordatlantischem Tiefenwasser durch den Südatlantik mit Tracer-Verteilungen und Transitzeit-Verteilungen (pdf, thesis in German)
Dr. Maren Walter (2004) Warming of Greenland Sea Deep Water induced by abyssal mixing (pdf, thesis in English)
Dr. Reiner Steinfeldt (2001) Realistische Modellierung der tiefreichenden Zirkulation des Mittelmeers durch Simulation von Tracerverteilungen (pdf, thesis in German)
finished master & diploma theses (M.Sc. & Dipl.)  
Kuan-Ying Wu (2024), M.Sc. Oceanography (Univ. Liège) Energy dissipation within an anti-cyclonic eddy in the South Atlantic
Lara Aschenbeck (2024), M.Sc. Physik

Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current Variability at 47°N

Letizia Roscelli (2023). M.Sc. Environmental Physics Upper-ocean turbulence and mixing in the southern Atlantic
Jan Stiehler (2021), M.Sc. Physics Internal wave spectra in the upper ocean
Julian Bornemann (2021), M.Sc. Angewandte Geowissenschaften (TU Darmstadt) Comparison of glacial meltwater contributions from different Greenland fjord- and glacier systems by means of oceanic noble gas data
Ugochukwu Godwin Obumnemenwa (2020), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Temperature Variability in the North Atlantic Ocean
Fanny Wischnewski (2020), M.Sc. Physics Investigation of the current field and the temperature evolution in the Flemish Pass: Local vs. remote forcing (thesis in English)
Udo Adolphus Nnajiofor (2019), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Spatial and Temporal Changes along 47°N in the North Atlantic Ocean
Robert Cordts (2017), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Surface velocities in the subpolar North Atlantic from shipboard observations and satellite altimetry (thesis in English)
Usman Ahmed (2017), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Glacial melt water and Antarctic Bottom Water formation and circulation in the Weddell Sea inferred by tracer observations (thesis in English)
Stefan Hertzberg (2016), M.Sc. Physik Intra-seasonal variability in the western subpolar North Atlantic (thesis in English)
Myriel Horn (2015), M.Sc. Marine Umweltwissenschaften (Universität Oldenburg) Frontal analysis on the shelf region of the western North Atlantic (thesis in English)
Florian Schmid (2013), M.Sc. Marine Geowissenschaften Flow and mixing of water masses above the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis (thesis in English)
Sandra Vogel (2012), Dipl. Physik Neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von Gas- und Wasserproben für die Helium- und Neonanalyse (thesis in German)
Frithjof Fehsenfeld (2012), Dipl. Mathematik Optimierte Messstrategie für die Umwälzbewegung im Atlantischen Ozean bei 47° N (thesis in German)
Christian Uhe (2011), Dipl. Physik Analysis of satellite altimetry data with regard to the North Atlantic Current (thesis in English)
Sebastian Rütten (2011), Dipl. Physik Upwelling off Mauritania inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium (thesis in English)
Antje Buß (2011), M.Sc. Physik Plume dispersal at hydrothermal vent fields with natural CO2 seeps in the North-West Pacific (thesis in English)
Linn Schneider (2011), Dipl. Physik Entwicklung der Mixed-Layer im subpolaren Nordatlantik (thesis in German)
Philipp Degenhardt (2010), Dipl. Physik Transporte im Subpolarwirbel (thesis in German)
Robert Meissner (2010), Dipl. Physik Einfluss von mesoskaligen Wirbeln auf die Feinstrukturvariabilität im subpolaren Nordatlantik (thesis in German)
Janna Köhler (2009), Dipl. Physik Hydrothermal fluxes at the 5 S vent site, southern Mid Atlantic Ridge (thesis in English)
Madlen Gebler (2009), Dipl. Physik Westward flow of Weddell Sea Bottom Water through Drake Passage (thesis in English)
Yousaf Iqbal (2009), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Inventory of anthopogenic carbon in the Atlantic inferred from CFC data (thesis in English)
Charles Robert (2006), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Measurement and analysis of 4He release rates from aquifer solids (pdf, thesis in English)
Xin Li (2005), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Validation of the lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler finescale response function (pdf, thesis in English)
Uwe Stöber (2005), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Flow field and stratification at a hydrothermal vent site (pdf, thesis in English)
Samuel Krüger (2004), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Current structures and transports from direct measurements in the Nordic Seas (thesis in English)
Hani el Gamal (2002), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Application of the tritium/3helium method to study the time scales of groundwater systems (thesis in English)
Hendrik Sander (2002), M.Sc. Environmental Physics Probenaufarbeitungseinheit zur massenspektrometrischen Edelgasanalyse (thesis in German)
Ruth Harms (2001), Dipl. Physik Untersuchung von Transportvariabilität im Nordatlantik (thesis in German)
finished bachelor theses (B.Sc.)  
Stefan Pauls (2023), B.Sc. Physik Coherence of Labrador Current Variability From Satellite Altimetry
Daniel Molkenthin (2022), B.Sc. Physik Lehramt Stärke der Umwälzzirkulation im subpolaren Nordatlantik bei 47°N
Henri Renzelmann (2022), B.Sc. Physik Räumliche Variabilität von Frequenzspektren interner Wellen anhand von Argo-Parkphasendaten
Buu Lik Duong (2021), B.Sc. Physik Identification of Fronts in Fram Strait near the Marginal Ice Zone
Jan Stiehler (2018), B.Sc. Physik Dissipation of internal wave energy south of the Azores (thesis in English)
Lukas Gartelmann (2017), B.Sc. Physik Long-term variability of the subpolar North Atlantic circulation from altimeter data (thesis in English)
Brian Auffahrt (2017), B.Sc. Physik Gezeitenströme am Mittelozeanischen Rücken des subpolaren Nordatlantiks (thesis in German)
Jürgen Stake (2017), B.Sc. Physik Bildung, Zirkulation und Variabilität von Tiefen- und Bodenwasser in der Weddellsee mit Hilfe von zeitabhängigen Spurenstoffbeobachtungen 1986-2014 (thesis in German)
Philip Schenck (2016), B.Sc. Physik Estimation of Apparent Oxygen Utilization Rates (AOUR) and Net Export Production (NEP) from tracer data in the Atlantic Ocean (thesis in English)
Lars Kappertz (2016), B.Sc. Physik Stationary ADCP measurement of tidal velocities and a buoyant hydrothermal plume at Logatchev Hydrothermal Field (thesis in English)
Janina Schneider (2016), B.Sc. Physik Geschwindigkeit entlang des AR7W-Schnittes in der Labradorsee (thesis in German)
Timm Wegehaupt (2016), B.Sc. Physik Anthropogener Kohlenstofftransport über den 47° N-Schnitt im Nordatlantik (thesis in German)
Tim Wolpmann (2015), B.Sc. Physik Das meridionale Strömungssystem im Ostatlantik bei 47° N aus direkten Messungen (thesis in German)
Tom Denker (2015), B.Sc. Physik Temporal variability of vertical shear variance at the Flemish Cap (thesis in English)
Jan Gerken (2015), B.Sc. Physik Analyse von Thermosalinographendaten aus dem Nordatlantik, Sommer 2013 (thesis in German)
Sindy-Vanessa Röhrs (2014), B.Sc. Physik Verteilung von primordidialem Helium am südlichen Mittelatatlantischen Rücken (thesis in German)
Maike Peters (2014), B.Sc. Biologie Räumliche und zeitliche Veränderungen der Chlorophyll a-Verteilung im subpolaren Nordatlantik anhand SeaWiFS-Satellitendaten (thesis in German)
Myriel Horn (2012), B.Sc. Maritime Technologien (Hochschule Bremerhaven) Fronten-Erkennung im subpolaren Nordatlantik aus SST-Daten (thesis in German)
Franziska Wittke (2012), B.Sc. Physik Schwankungen der Oberflächenzirkulation im Neufundlandbecken aus Satellitenaltimetrie (thesis in German)
Philipp Werdenbach-Jarklowski (2012), B.Sc. Physik Untersuchung von Vermischung am Mittelatlantischen Rücken zwischen 4° S und 10° S anhand von LADCP und CTD Profilen (thesis in German)
Stefan Hertzberg (2011), B.Sc. Physik Rise of a hydrothermal plume in a stratified environment (thesis in English)
Lukas Vollmer (2009), B.Sc. Physik Analyse von Strömungsmesserdaten im tiefen westlichen Randstrom bei 47° N (thesis in German)
Fabian Neugebauer (2009), B.Sc. Physik Analyse von Satelliten-Altimeter-Messungen im Hinblick auf Schwankungen des Nordatlantikstroms (thesis in German)
Alexandra Gronholz (2009), B.Sc. Physik Transport und Variation des Southeast Pacific Deep Slope Water (SPDSW) mit Tracerbeobachtung (thesis in German)