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Ströh, A., C. Mertens, D. Kieke, and M. Rhein Time series of transport variability and spreading pathways of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre Northcluster Workshop Kiel (DE) 08./09.10.2009 (T)
Ströh, A. Time series of transport variability and spreading pathways of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre GLOMAR Annual Retreat Etelsen (DE) 06.10.2009 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, J. Bullister, and T. Tanhua Inventory of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic CARBOOCEAN Final Meeting Bergen (N) 06.10.2009 (P)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, J. Sütenfuß, M. Rhein, J. Köhler, U. Stöber, A. Koschinsky, Y. Tao, R. Keir, B. Melchert, C. R. German,D. R. Yoerger, and E. T. Baker Hydrothermal fluxes and plume dispersal at the slow spreading southern MAR 6th Colloquium of SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) 22.09.2009 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, J. Bullister, and T. Tanhua Inventory of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic Ocean Obs'09-Konferenz Venedig (I) 21.-25.09.2009 (P)
Steinfeldt,. R. and M. Rhein Formation and Export Rates of North Atlantic Deep Water Ocean Obs'09-Konferenz Venedig (I) 21.-25.09.2009 (P)
Ströh, A., C. Mertens, D. Kieke, and M. Rhein Time series of transport variability and spreading pathways of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre Ocean Obs'09-Conference Venice (I) 21.-25.09.2009 (P)
Kieke, D. and M. Rhein Formation rates of Labrador Sea Water inferred from repeated tracer sections Ocean Obs'09-Conference Venice (I) 21.-25.09.2009 (P)
Bullister, J. L., R. E. Sonnerup, D. W. Moore, R. A. Fine, D.-H. Min, W. M. Smethie, M. J. Warner, T. Tanhua, D. Kieke, R. Steinfeldt, and M. Rhein Dissolved chlorofluorocarbons as transient tracers in the CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Program Ocean Obs'09-Conference Venice (I) 21.-25.09.2009 (P)
Meißner, R. , C. Mertens, M. Walter, M. Rhein, and U. Stöber Finestructure variability associated with mesoscale eddies in the subpolar North Atlantic MOCA-09, IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly Montreal (CAN) 22.07.2009 (P)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, S. Hüttl-Kabus, and C. W. Böning On the propagation and decay of NBC rings MOCA-09, IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly Montreal (CAN) 21.07.2009 (T)
Mertens, C., M. Walter, U. Stöber, and M. Rhein Turbulent mixing in the Deep Western Boundary Current of the subpolar North Atlantic MOCA-09, IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly Montreal (CAN) 21.07.2009 (T)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, U. Stöber, C. R. German, D. R. Yoerger, J. Sültenfuß, M. Rhein, B. Melchert, and E. T. Baker Rapid dispersal of a hydrothermal plume by turbulent mixing MOCA-09, IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS 2009 Joint Assembly Montreal (CAN) 21.07.2009 (T)
Hoppema, M., S. van Heuven, J. Hauck, O. Huhn, and C. Lo Monaco CARINA Southern Ocean synthesis - Anthropogenic CO2 in the Weddell Sea International Symposium on "Decadal variations of the ocean's carbon cycle: Synthesis and vulnerabilities" Monte Verita (CH) 14.07.2009 (T)
Huhn, O. Transport of anthropogenic carbon across the prime meridian based on tracer observations AWI-IUP-Blockseminar "Tracers in the climate system" Bremerhaven (DE) 06.07.2009 (T)
Kieke, D. Use of sulphurhexafluoride as a transient tracer in the North Atlantic AWI-IUP-Blockseminar "Tracers in the climate system" Bremerhaven (DE) 06.07.2009 (T)
Boetius, A., D. de Beer, M. Haeckel, C. Mertens, F. Inagaki, K. Nakamura, and G. Rehder CO2 leakage in the deep ocean and its effect on benthic fauna Goldschmidt-Konferenz 2009 Davos (CH) 24.06.2009 (T)
Keir R., O. Schmale, R. Seifert, and J. Sültenfuß Isotope Fractionation and Mixing in Methane Plumes from the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field Goldschmidt-Konferenz 2009 Davos (CH) 23.06.2009 (T)
Sültenfuß, J., K. Osenbrück, and S. M. Weise Uncertainty assessment of tritiogenic 3He and tritium/3He-ages Goldschmidt-Konferenz 2009 Davos (CH) 23.06.2009 (P)
Rhein, M. AMOC heat and volume transports in the subpolar North Atlantic First US AMOC Meeting Annapolis (US) 04.-06.05.2009 (T)
Ströh. A., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, and D. Kieke Variability of the Subpolar Gyre and the North Atlantic Current inferred from Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders Marum/GLOMAR PhD Student Day Bremen (DE) 29.04.2009 (P)
Steinfeldt, R. Export Rates of North Atlantic Deep Water IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) 28.04.2009 (T)
Köhler, J., M. Walter, C. Mertens, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Hydrothermal Fluxes at the Turtle Pits Vent Site, southern MAR EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 24.04.2009 (P)
Sudre, J., V. Garcon, N. Sennechael, C. Provost, and O. Huhn Multiparametric analysis of water masses across Drake Passage during austral summer 2006 EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 23.04.2009 (P)
Huhn, O., M. Hoppema, W. Roether, and M. Rhein Transport of anthropogenic CO2 across the Prime Meridian in the Southern Ocean based on tracer observations EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 23.04.2009 (P)
Schröder, M., H. Hellmer, and O. Huhn The Structure of the Eastern Weddell Sea Warm Inflow EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 23.04.2009 (T)
Gebler, M., O. Huhn, and M. Rhein Westward flow of Weddell Sea Bottom Water through Drake Passage EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 23.04.2009 (P)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, M. Walter, and K. Kirchner Modulation of the Inflow into the Caribbean Sea by North Brazil Current Rings EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein Export Rates of North Atlantic Deep Water EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (T)
Kieke, D., L. Stramma, B. Klein, M. Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann Variability and pathways of Labrador Sea Water in the southern subpolar gyre of the North Atlantic EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (T)
Rhein, M. Labrador Sea Water production and the strength of the Subpolar Gyre EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (T)
Kühnel, D., M. Rhein, J. Sültenfuß, and S. Hüttl-Kabus Equatorial upwelling rates inferred from helium isotope and QuikSCAT wind-stress data EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (P)
Ströh. A., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, and D. Kieke Variability of the Subpolar Gyre and the North Atlantic Current inferred from Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (P)
Meißner, R. , C. Mertens, M. Walter, M. Rhein, and U. Stöber Finestructure variability associated with mesoscale eddies in the subpolar North Atlantic EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 21.04.2009 (P)
Stöber, U., M. Walter, C. Mertens, and M. Rhein Observations of semi-diurnal energy fluxes at the western boundary of the North Atlantic at 16 N and 47/49 N EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 20.04.2009 (T)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, S. Hüttl-Kabus, and C. W. Böning On the spreading of South Atlantic Water into the northern hemisphere EGU General Assembly 2009 Wien (AT) 20.04.2009 (T)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, S. Hüttl-Kabus, and C. W. Böning On the spreading of South Atlantic Water into the northern hemisphere Tropical Atlantic WorkshopToulouse (FR) 05.02.2009 (T)
Cisewski, B., V. H. Strass, M. Rhein, S. Krägefsky Saisonale Änderung der täglichen Vertikalwanderung von Zooplankton aus akustischen Rückstreumessungen im Lazarevmeer FWG-Kolloqium Kiel (DE) 11.02.2009 (T)