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Broers, H.P., J. de Weert, J. Sültenfuß, W. Aeschbach, H. Vonhof, and J. Casteleijns Paleoclimate signals and age distributions from 41 public water works in the Netherlands AGU Fall Meeting 2015 San Francisco, (US) 15.12.2015 (T)
Rhein, M. Die Rolle Deutschlands im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel Podiums-Diskussion Aachen, (DE) 26.11.2015 (T)
Völker, G. Internal Waves and Energy Transfer Processes at the Surface of the Ocean IGR Symposium Edmonton, (CA) 28.10.2015 (T)
Müller, V., D. Kieke, and P. Myers Eddy induced temperature exchange between subpolar and subtropical gyre IGR Symposium Edmonton, (CA) 28.10.2015 (T)
Breckenfelder, T., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, P. Myers, E. Behrens, C. Böning, A. Biastoch, and C. Mertens The North Atlantic Current at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in model and observations IGR Symposium Edmonton, (CA) 28.10.2015 (T)
Breckenfelder, T., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, P. Myers, E. Behrens, C. Böning, A. Biastoch, and C. Mertens The North Atlantic Current at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in model and observations 3rd Annual VITALS Science Meeting Halifax, (CA) 20.10.2015 (T)
Müller, V., D. Kieke, P. Myers, and C. Mertens Eddy induced temperature exchange between subpolar and subtropical gyre 3rd Annual VITALS Science Meeting Halifax, (CA) 20.10.2015 (T)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, C. Mertens, R. Steinfeldt, A. Roessler, I. Stendardo, B. Klein, T. Breckenfelder, and V. Müller Circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic 3rd Annual VITALS Science Meeting Halifax, (CA) 20.10.2015 (T)
Kieke, D., L. Schneider, K. Jochumsen, I. Yashayaev, E. Colbourne, N. Serra, E. Varotsou, M. Rhein, and R. Steinfeldt Labrador Sea activities and LSW studies 3rd Annual VITALS Science Meeting Halifax, (CA) 19.10.2015 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., J. Sültenfuß, M.Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Upwelling velocities inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium SOLAS Open Science Conference 2015 Kiel, (DE) 08.09.2015 (P)
Völker, G. Energy Transfer Through the Mixed Layer - Transfer Processes ArcTrain Annual Meeting Montreal, (CA) 03.09.2015 (T)
Breckenfelder, T., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, E. Behrens, C. Böning, A. Biastoch, and C. Mertens The North Atlantic Current at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in model and observations ArcTrain Annual Meeting Montreal, (CA) 03.09.2015 (T)
Müller, V., D. Kieke, P. Myers, and C. Mertens Eddy induced temperature exchange between subpolar and subtropical gyre ArcTrain Annual Meeting Montreal, (CA) 02.09.2015 (T)
Rhein M., D. Kieke, A. Roessler, C. Mertens, M. Walter, T. Breckenfelder, I. Stendardo, R. Steinfeldt, L. Schneider, B.Klein, C. Böning, and A. Biastoch Observations of AMOC components in the subpolar North Atlantic Rapid International Science Meeting 2015 - Towards a holistic picture of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation via observation modelling and synthesis - Bristol, (UK) 22.07.2015 (P)
Köhler, J. Spatial and temporal fluctuations in the Atlantic internal wave field induced by energetic currents and the wind field Sektionsseminar der Physikalischen Ozeanographie des IOW Warnemünde, (DE) 14.07.2015 (T)
Völker, G.S., C. Mertens, D. Olbers, A. Vladoiu, and M. Walter Energy transfer through the mixed layer estimated with a hybrid model IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly 2015 Prag, (CZ) 30.06.2015 (P)
Walter, M., A. Buss, M. Rhein, M. Hoppema, O. Huhn, E. Jones, and J. Sültenfuß Quantifying upwelling and nutrient fluxes in the Weddell Sea with helium isotope data IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly 2015 Prag, (CZ) 30.06.2015 (P)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, C. Mertens, A. Roessler, R. Steinfeldt, and T. Breckenfelder Circulation and water mass transport in the subpolar North Atlantic IAHS - IAPSO - IASPEI Joint Assembly 2015 Prag, (CZ) 27.06.2015 (T)
Koeniger, P, G. J. Houben, L. Stoeckl, T. Himmelsbach, and J. Sültenfuß Groundwater recharge investigations using stable water isotopes of soil and groundwater combined with depth-specific age dating of freshwater lenses at Langeoog island, Germany International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Revisiting Foundations and Exploring Frontiers Wien, (A) 12.05.2015 (T)
Gerber, C., R. Purtschert, R. Hug, D. Hunkeler, D. Paratte, and J. Sültenfuß Groundwater dating for predicting future evolution of nitrate concentrations International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Revisiting Foundations and Exploring Frontiers Wien, (A) 11.-15.05.2015 (P)
Sültenfuß, J. Tritium in precipitation in the southern North Sea: a marker for local formed water vapour International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Revisiting Foundations and Exploring Frontiers Wien, (A) 11.-15.05.2015 (P)
Walter, M., and C. Mertens Spatial and temporal variability of deep ocean mixing inferred with finescale parameterizations "Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" Workshop Hamburg, (DE) 21.04.2015 (T)
Broers, H.P., J. de Weert, H. Vonhof, R. Janssen, J. Sültenfuß, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, and J. Casteleijns Using carbon and water isotopes and noble gases to assess the origin of methane in fresh water aquifers in the south of the Netherlands EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 16.04.2015 (P)
Stein, R., M. Kucera, M. Walter, and A. de Vernal Graduate training in Earth science across borders and disciplines: ArcTrain - "Processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic" EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 16.04.2015 (P)
Breckenfelder, T., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, E. Behrens, C Böning, A. Biastoch, and C. Mertens Variability of the North Atlantic Current: high resolution model data versus in situ measurements EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 14.04.2015 (T)
Broers, H.P., J. de Weert, J. Sültenfuß, W. Aeschbach-Hertig, H. Vonhof, and J. Casteleijns Paleoclimate signals and age distributions from 41 public water works in the Netherlands EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 14.04.2015 (T)
Houben, G., P. Koeniger, and J. Sültenfuß Depth-specific groundwater age determination on the island of Langeoog reveals climate archive and spatially variable recharge EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 14.04.2015 (T)
Kralik, M., H. Brielmann, F. Humer, J. Grath, J. Sültenfuß, and R. Philippitsch Water ages of 20 groundwater bodies and its relevance for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 14.04.2015 (P)
Müller, V., D. Kieke, and P. G. Myers Eddy induced heat transport into and out of the Labrador Sea EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 14.04.2015 (P)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, R. Steinfeldt, and C. Mertens Circulation and transformation of deep water in the North Atlantic EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 13.04.2015 (T)
Roessler, A., M. Rhein, D. Kieke, and C. Mertens North Atlantic Current long-term transport observations at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 13.04.2015 (T)
Stendardo, I., M. Rhein, B. Klein, and A. Roessler Salinity variability in the North Atlantic through synergetic analysis of Argo floats and satellite altimetry data EGU General Assembly 2015 Wien, (A) 13.04.2015 (P)
Rhein, M., K. Bulsiewicz, O. Huhn, D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt 39Ar, deep water formation, circulation and Cant storage in the Atlantic Second International Workshop on "Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Geosciences" Heidelberg, (DE) 28.03.2015 (T)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, and M. Schröder Basal ice-shelf melting in the Weddell Sea inferred from oceanic noble-gas observations DPG Tagung Heidelberg, (DE) 26.03.2015 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., J. Sültenfuß, M.Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Coastal upwelling velocities inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium DPG Tagung Heidelberg, (DE) 26.03.2015 (T)
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, C. Mertens, R. Steinfeldt, and B. Klein The NOAC observation system in the subpolar North Atlantic ASOF ISSG Meeting Bremerhaven, (DE) 18.03.2015 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., J. Sültenfuß, M.Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Coastal upwelling velocities inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium 8th SOPRAN Annual Meeting Mainz, (DE) 17.-18.03.2015 (P)
Huhn, O. Ocean/ice shelf interaction and basal glacial melting infered by noble gas observations ASOF ISSG Meeting Bremerhaven, (DE) 16.03.2015 (T)
Walter, M. Ecological aspects of deep-sea mining - Sediment plume dilution and dispersal IUP-AWI Blockseminar Bremerhaven, (DE) 06.02.2015 (T)
Walter, M., A. Paul, M. Schulz, and A. Vink Sediment plume dispersal - modelling and BIEs JPI Ocean "Mining Impact" Kickoff Meeting Kiel, (DE) 27.01.2015 (T)