2025 |2024 |2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011
2010 |2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 and earlier | T = Talk / P = Poster
2007 | |||
Kühnel, D. | Inferring upwelling velocities in the equatorial and tropical Atlantic from helium isotope and wind-stress data | IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) | 11.12.2007 (T) |
Hüttl, S. | Effects of Climate Change on the Tropical Atlantic Ocean | GLOMAR Annual Retreat Etelsen (DE) | 03./04.12.2007 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | Quality control of CFC data | Workshop of the CARBOOCEAN Carbon Synthesis Group Delmenhorst (DE) | 30.11.2007 (T) |
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and K. Kirchner | Inflow into the Caribbean Sea through the Lesser Antilles Passages | AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) | 26.-29.11.2007 (P) |
Kühnel, D., M. Rhein, and J. Sültenfuß | Inferring upwelling velocities in the equatorial and tropical Atlantic from helium isotope and wind-stress data | AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) | 26.-29.11.2007 (P) |
Hüttl, S. and C. W. Böning | Sources and fate of the off-equatorial undercurrents in the Atlantic Ocean | AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) | 27.11.2007 (T) |
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, C. W. Böning, and S. Hüttl | The northward flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N | AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) | 26.11.2007 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Groundwater dating with environmental tracers | Cycle de Conference de CEREGE Aix-en-Provence (FR) | 15.11.2007 (T) |
Hüttl, S. | Effects of MOC variability on the tropical Atlantic upwelling | IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) | 13.11.2007 (T) |
Hüttl, S. | The off-equatorial undercurrents (NEUC/SEUC) - pathways and variability | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Miami (US) | 01.11.2007 (T) |
Hüttl, S. | (1.) Pathways and variability in the upper-layer tropical Atlantic(2.) Mechanisms of climate change on the upper tropical Atlantic Ocean | Duke University Durham (US) | 25.-31.10.2007 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J., M. Walter, C. Mertens, and M. Rhein | Helium isotope studies on hot smokers in the South Atlantic | GV International Conference 2007 Bremen (DE) | 03./04.10.2007 (P) |
Führböter, J. | Methoden zur Untersuchung tiefer Grundwasserleiter | Institutskolloquium der Hochschule Magdeburg - Bewertung von Gewässern bei der Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Magdeburg (DE) | 29.11.2007 (T) |
Weise, S. M., J. Sültenfuß, F. Bednorz, D. Brose, K. Knöller, and K. Osenbrück | Cross-ground residence times in quaternary aquifers in Brandenburg, Germany, evaluated by using environmental (2H, 18O, 3H, 14C) and light noble gase isotopes (3He, 4He, 20Ne) | GeoPomerania 2007 Universität Stettin (PL) | 24.09.2007 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | Wie findet man das von Menschen ausgestoßene Kohlendioxid im Meer wieder? | HanseLife 2007 Bremen (DE) | 23.09.2007 (T) |
Walter, M., C. Mertens, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein | Hydrography at the 5 S Vent Sites | 4. Kolloquium des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) | 27.06.2007 (P) |
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, W. Roether, H. H. Hellmer, M. Schodlok, M. Schröder, and C. Rodehacke | Deep and bottom water formation in the western Weddell Sea - results from hydrographic and tracer | EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) | 16.04.2007 (T) |
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, C. W. Böning, and S. Hüttl | Observed and modeled MOC related flow into the Caribbean | EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) | 15.04.2007 (T) |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt | Ventilation of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 2003-2005 | EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) | 15.04.2007 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, T. Tanhua, and O. Huhn | Inventory changes of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic between 20 S and 65 N | EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) | 15.04.2007 (P) |
Keir, R., M. Rhein, J. Sültenfuß, J. Greinert, and G. Petrick | Injection of Methane and Mantle Helium from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge into the Circulation of NADW near 51 N | North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) | 19.-21.03.2007 (P) |
Kieke, D., L. Stramma, B. Klein, M. Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann | Export of Labrador Sea Water out of the subpolar gyre | North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) | 19.-21.03.2007 (P) |
Rhein, M. | Rates of Deep Water Transformation in the Labrador Sea | North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) | 19.03.2007 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, and T. Tanhua | Inventory changes of anthropogenic carbon in the subpolar North Atlantic | North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) | 19.-21.03.2007 (P) |
Stöber, U., M. Walter, C. Mertens, and M. Rhein | Mixing Estimates from Hydrographic Measurements in the Deep Western Boundary Current of the North Atlantic | North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) | 19.-21.03.2007 (P) |
Sültenfuß, J. | By-products of 3H-3He dating: use of radiogenic 4He to demonstrate mixing | 4th Mini Conference on Noble Gases in the Hydrosphere and Natural Gas Reservoirs Potsdam (DE) | 28.02.-02.03.2007 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Environmental tracers: tools to study groundwater dynamics | Niedersächsisches Grundwasser Kolloquium Braunschweig (DE) | 21.02.2007 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Tritium: tracing the hydrological cycle | AWI/IUP-Blockseminar Bremen (DE) | 16.02.2007 (T) |