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Kühnel, D. Inferring upwelling velocities in the equatorial and tropical Atlantic from helium isotope and wind-stress data IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) 11.12.2007 (T)
Hüttl, S. Effects of Climate Change on the Tropical Atlantic Ocean GLOMAR Annual Retreat Etelsen (DE) 03./04.12.2007 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Quality control of CFC data Workshop of the CARBOOCEAN Carbon Synthesis Group Delmenhorst (DE) 30.11.2007 (T)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and K. Kirchner Inflow into the Caribbean Sea through the Lesser Antilles Passages AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) 26.-29.11.2007 (P)
Kühnel, D., M. Rhein, and J. Sültenfuß Inferring upwelling velocities in the equatorial and tropical Atlantic from helium isotope and wind-stress data AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) 26.-29.11.2007 (P)
Hüttl, S. and C. W. Böning Sources and fate of the off-equatorial undercurrents in the Atlantic Ocean AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) 27.11.2007 (T)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, C. W. Böning, and S. Hüttl The northward flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N AMMA/TACE/PIRATA-Meeting Karlsruhe (DE) 26.11.2007 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Groundwater dating with environmental tracers Cycle de Conference de CEREGE Aix-en-Provence (FR) 15.11.2007 (T)
Hüttl, S. Effects of MOC variability on the tropical Atlantic upwelling IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) 13.11.2007 (T)
Hüttl, S. The off-equatorial undercurrents (NEUC/SEUC) - pathways and variability Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Miami (US) 01.11.2007 (T)
Hüttl, S. (1.) Pathways and variability in the upper-layer tropical Atlantic(2.) Mechanisms of climate change on the upper tropical Atlantic Ocean Duke University Durham (US) 25.-31.10.2007 (T)
Sültenfuß, J., M. Walter, C. Mertens, and M. Rhein Helium isotope studies on hot smokers in the South Atlantic GV International Conference 2007 Bremen (DE) 03./04.10.2007 (P)
Führböter, J. Methoden zur Untersuchung tiefer Grundwasserleiter Institutskolloquium der Hochschule Magdeburg - Bewertung von Gewässern bei der Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Magdeburg (DE) 29.11.2007 (T)
Weise, S. M., J. Sültenfuß, F. Bednorz, D. Brose, K. Knöller, and K. Osenbrück Cross-ground residence times in quaternary aquifers in Brandenburg, Germany, evaluated by using environmental (2H, 18O, 3H, 14C) and light noble gase isotopes (3He, 4He, 20Ne) GeoPomerania 2007 Universität Stettin (PL) 24.09.2007 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Wie findet man das von Menschen ausgestoßene Kohlendioxid im Meer wieder? HanseLife 2007 Bremen (DE) 23.09.2007 (T)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Hydrography at the 5 S Vent Sites 4. Kolloquium des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) 27.06.2007 (P)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, W. Roether, H. H. Hellmer, M. Schodlok, M. Schröder, and C. Rodehacke Deep and bottom water formation in the western Weddell Sea - results from hydrographic and tracer EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) 16.04.2007 (T)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, C. W. Böning, and S. Hüttl Observed and modeled MOC related flow into the Caribbean EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) 15.04.2007 (T)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt Ventilation of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 2003-2005 EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) 15.04.2007 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, T. Tanhua, and O. Huhn Inventory changes of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic between 20 S and 65 N EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien (AT) 15.04.2007 (P)
Keir, R., M. Rhein, J. Sültenfuß, J. Greinert, and G. Petrick Injection of Methane and Mantle Helium from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge into the Circulation of NADW near 51 N North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) 19.-21.03.2007 (P)
Kieke, D., L. Stramma, B. Klein, M. Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann Export of Labrador Sea Water out of the subpolar gyre North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) 19.-21.03.2007 (P)
Rhein, M. Rates of Deep Water Transformation in the Labrador Sea North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) 19.03.2007 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., M. Rhein, and T. Tanhua Inventory changes of anthropogenic carbon in the subpolar North Atlantic North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) 19.-21.03.2007 (P)
Stöber, U., M. Walter, C. Mertens, and M. Rhein Mixing Estimates from Hydrographic Measurements in the Deep Western Boundary Current of the North Atlantic North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop Kiel (DE) 19.-21.03.2007 (P)
Sültenfuß, J. By-products of 3H-3He dating: use of radiogenic 4He to demonstrate mixing 4th Mini Conference on Noble Gases in the Hydrosphere and Natural Gas Reservoirs Potsdam (DE) 28.02.-02.03.2007 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Environmental tracers: tools to study groundwater dynamics Niedersächsisches Grundwasser Kolloquium Braunschweig (DE) 21.02.2007 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Tritium: tracing the hydrological cycle AWI/IUP-Blockseminar Bremen (DE) 16.02.2007 (T)