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Blum, P., J. Sültenfuß, and P. Martus Quantification of in situ biodegradation rate constants using a novel combined isotope approach AGU Fall Meeting 2014 San Francisco, (US) 17.12.2014 (P)
Boetius, A., W. Bach, C. Borowski, A. Diehl, C. R German, N. E Kaul, J. Köhler, Y. Marcon, C. Mertens, M. Molari, V. S. N. Schlindwein, A. Tuerke, G. Wegener, and Science Party of RV POLARSTERN Expedition Aurora PS86 Exploring the Habitability of Ice-covered Waterworlds: The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal System of the Aurora Mount at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean (82 54' N, 6 15W', 3900 m) AGU Fall Meeting 2014 San Francisco, (US) 16.12.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. The Bremen observing system in the subpolar North Atlantic "Mary Tharp Lecture for Ocean Research", GEOMAR Kiel, (DE) 09.12.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. Formation rates, circulation, and anthropogenic carbon storage in the North Atlantic Seminar des Instituts für Umweltphysik Heidelberg, (DE) 27.11.2014 (T)
Huhn, O. Basal ice shelf melting in the Weddell Sea inferred from oceanic noble-gas observations German-Japanese Workshop on Polar Oceans Bremerhaven, (DE) 01.10.2014 (T)
Buss, A., M. Rhein, M. Walter, O. Huhn, and J. Sültenfuß Upwelling in the Weddell Sea inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium DFG Koordinationsworkshop zum Schwerpunktprogramm Antarktisforschung, SPP 1158 Dresden, (DE) 24.-26.09.2014 (P)
Huhn, O. Noble-gas observations to infer basal ice shelf melting in the north-western Weddell Sea DFG Koordinationsworkshop zum Schwerpunktprogramm Antarktisforschung, SPP 1158 Dresden, (DE) 24.-26.09.2014 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., T. Tanhua, E. Jeansson, D Kieke, and M. Rhein Storage of anthropogenic carbon in Atlantic Ocean water masses and its decadal variability 1st ICOS Science Conference Brüssel, (DE) 25.09.2014 (T)
van Heuven, S., M. Hoppema, O. Huhn, E. M. Jones, and H. J. W. de Baar Six years of sea surface pCO2 data from the Atlantic and Polar Oceans collected by research vessel Polarstern 1st ICOS Science Conference Brüssel, (DE) 23.-25.09.2014 (P)
Stendardo, I. A new approach for investigating salinity variability in the North Atlantic through synergetic analysis of Argo floats and satellite altimetry data FOR:AFC Annual Meeting Kiel, (DE) 23.09.2014 (T)
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, C. Mertens, R. Steinfeldt, and L. Schneider The Bremen NOAC observation system in the subpolar North Atlantic US AMOC Meeting 2014 Seattle, (US) 09.09.2014 (T)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, M. Schröder, A. Wisotzki, M. von Caspel, and M. Hoppema Tracer observations to estimate basal melting an bottom water formation in the Weddell Sea IUP-AWI Blockseminar Bremerhaven, (DE) 29.07.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. Der 5. IPCC Bericht: Klimawandel, seine Ursachen und zukünftige Entwicklung Sitzung des Operativen Beirats des Deutschen Komitees für Katastrophenvorsorge DKKV Bonn, (DE) 06.05.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. The 5th IPCC Report, Global Observations in Ocean and Cyrosphere EGU General Assembly 2014 Wien, (A) 30.04.2014 (T)
Caspel, M.V., M. Schröder, O. Huhn, and H. Hellmer Dense water production in the Larsen Ice Shelf region EGU General Assembly 2014 Wien, (A) 29.04.2014 (P)
Müller, V., H. Pohlmann, D. Matei, J. Marotzke, W. A. Müller, and J. Baehr Predictions of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5 N within two MPI-ESM decadal climate prediction systems EGU General Assembly 2014 Wien, (A) 28.04.2014 (P)
Rhein, M. Der Klimawandel, seine Ursachen und die zukünftige Entwicklung: Der 5. Bericht des Weltklimarats (IPCC) Frühjahrssitzung des Arbeitskreises Energie (AKE) der DPG Bad Honnef, (DE) 10.04.2014 (T)
Hoppema, M., S. van Heuven, E. M. Jones, O. Huhn, and H.J.W. de Baar Increasing CO2 in the deep waters of the Weddell Gyre, Southern Ocean 3rd CARBOCHANGE Annual Meeting Reykjavik, (IS) 07.-10.04.2014 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., D. Kieke, and M. Rhein On decadal changes of the inventory of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic 3rd CARBOCHANGE Annual Meeting Reykjavik, (IS) 08.04.2014 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein Remineralisation and oxygen consumption rates from oxygen and CFC data 3rd CARBOCHANGE Annual Meeting Reykjavik, (IS) 08.04.2014 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., S. Rütten, J. Sültenfuß, M. Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Upwelling in the SOPRAN regions 7th SOPRAN Annual Meeting Bremen, (DE) 25.03.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. The 5th IPCC Report Climate Change and Drivers: The role of the ocean in the climate system Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) Berlin, (DE) 19.03.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. Klimawandel Heute und Morgen Haus der Wissenschaft "Wissen um 11" Bremen, (DE) 15.03.2014 (T)
Rhein, M. Klimawandel - Chancen oder Risiko ? BMBF-Veranstaltungsreihe "Forschung im Dialog" Bonn, (DE) 12.03.2014 (T)
Roessler, A., M. Rhein, C. Mertens, and D. Kieke From daily to interannual variations: Observed transport variability of the subpolar gyre at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 28.02.2014 (T)
Breckenfelder, T., M. Rhein, A. Roessler, E. Behrens, C.W. Böning, and A. Biastoch Variability of the North Atlantic Current: High resolution model data versus in situ measurements Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 27.02.2014 (P)
Denker, C., B. Klein, and D. Kieke Water mass variability observed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 27.02.2014 (T)
Kieke, D., R. Steinfeldt, M. Rhein, and K. Bulsiewicz SF6 and CFC-12 observations in the western subpolar North Atlantic Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 27.02.2014 (T)
Schneider, L., D. Kieke, K. Jochumsen, M. Rhein, I. Yashayaev, and E. Varotsou Variability of Labrador Sea Water exported through Flemish Pass Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 27.02.2014 (T)
Varotsou, E., K. Jochumsen, N. Serra, D. Kieke, and L. Schneider Transport variability of Labrador Sea Water through Flemish Pass in relation to changes at 53 N Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 26.02.2014 (P)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, M. Hoppema, and S. van Heuven Reduced ventilation and carbon storage of Weddell Sea deep and bottom water Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 25.02.2014 (T)
Brennwald, M. S., N. Vogel, M. K. Vollmer, J. Sültenfuß, and R. Kipfer A common gas standard for the noble gas community? Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 24.02.2014 (P)
Köhler, J., C. Mertens, M. Walter, M. Rhein, and T. Kanzow Temporal variability in the internal wave field and vertical mixing: The influence of strong currents Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 24.02.2014 (P)
Rhein, M., R. Feely, C. Sabine, V. Masson-Delmotte, and S. Rintoul Understanding the IPCC WG1 5th assessment report: Ocean and carbon in past, present, and future Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 24.02.2014 (T)
Stendardo, I., M. Rhein, B. Klein, and A. Roessler A new approach for investigating salinity variability in the North Atlantic through synergetic analysis of Argo floats and satellite altimetry data Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 24.02.2014 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., J. Sültenfuß, M. Dengler, T. Fischer, and M. Rhein Upwelling velocities inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 Honolulu, (US) 24.02.2014 (P)
Breckenfelder, T. Variability of the North Atlantic Current: high resolution model data versus in situ measurements IUP Seminar "Ozean, Eis, und Atmosphäre" Bremen, (DE) 21.01.2014 (T)