2005 and earlier

2025 |2024 |2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011
2010 |2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 and earlier | T = Talk / P = Poster

Rhein, M. Equatorial upwelling rates inferred from Helium isotope data Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop Venice (IT) 19.10.2005 (T)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, and S. Hüttl The northward flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop Venice (IT) 17.10.2005 (T)
Kieke, D. Water mass circulation and associated variability in the subpolar North Atlantic Sino-German Miniworkshop on Oceanography and Climate Ocean University of ChinaQingdao (CN) 23.09.2005 (T)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, W. Roether, B. Klein, M. Schröder, and M. Schodlok Tracer measurements in the Weddell Sea, Formation of Deep and Bottom Water DFG-Kolloquium, 22. Internationale Polartagung der DGP Leipzig (DE) 21.09.2005 (T)
Osenbrück K., S. Fiedler, K. Knöller, H. Oster, J. Sültenfuß, and G. Strauch Modeling the development of nitrate in groundwater of an agriculturally used catchment area, Germany AIG 6, 6th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry Prag (CZ) 11.09.2005 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. CFCs as tracers of water masses CARBOOCEAN Summer School Vigo (ES) 19.07.2005 (T)
Stöber, U., M. Walter, C. Mertens, J. Sütenfuß, and M. Rhein Flow Field and Hydrography at Cheating Bay 2. Kolloquium des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) 28.-30.06.2005 (P)
Huhn, O. Der Ozean: den Meeresströmungen auf der Spur Wall-Fest der ''Stadt der Wissenschaft 2005'' Bremen (DE) 12.06.2005 (T)
Massmann, G., J. Greskowiak, C. Kohfahl, A. Knappe, B. Ohm, A. Pekdeger, T. Taute, and J. Sültenfuß Evaluation of the hydrochemical conditions during bank filtration and artificial recharge in Berlin ISMAR5 Berlin (DE) 11.-16.06.2005 (T)
Huhn, O., and M. Rhein Water mass transformation and spreading using tracers BONUS Meeting Paris (FR) 09.05.2005 (T)
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, B. Klein, M. Schröder, and M. Schodlok Tracer measurements in the western Weddell Sea: formation of Deep and Bottom Water and the contribution of Ice Shelf Water EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 26.04.2005 (P)
Kirchner, K., and M. Rhein The northward Flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 26.04.2005 (P)
Sander, H., and M. Rhein Application of a new gridding method to ARGO data EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 26.04.2005 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein Circulation of North Atlantic Deep Water from the Labrador Sea to the tropical Atlantic EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 26.04.2005 (P)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and K. Kirchner Variations of the Geostrophic Transport through the Lesser Antilles Passages EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2005 (T)
Rhein, M., and B. Klein Equatorial upwelling rates inferred from helium isotope data EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2005 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. and M. Rhein NADW properties at the western boundary at 16 N and 10 N EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2005 (T)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, and M. Rhein Mixing estimates from a large-scale survey in the North Atlantic EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2005 (T)
Kieke, D. Bildung und Export von Labradorseewasser SFB-460 Seminar Kiel (DE) 11.04.2005 (T)
Rhein, M., C. Mertens,M. Walter, K. Kirchner, R. Steinfeldt, D. Kieke, and U. Fleischmann-Wischnath Der warme und der kalte Zweig der Zirkulation im westlichen tropischen Atlantik ''Sonne''-Statusseminar Warnemünde (DE) 09.03.2005 (T)
Rhein, M. Ozean und Klima Wissenschaftstage Aurich Aurich (DE) 12.11.2004 (T)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt Formation rates and Spreading of Labrador Sea Water International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.09.2004 (T)
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, D. LeBel, and W. Zenk Variability of ULSW and LSW since 1997 International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.-16.09.2004 (P)
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, and S. Hüttl Pathways and transports of southern hemispheric waters in the tropical/subtropical Western North Atlantic International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.-16.09.2004 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.-16.09.2004 (P)
Stramma, L., J. Fischer, F. Schott, I. Yashayaev, D.Kieke, M.Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann Water mass variability and spreading in the deep western subpolar North Atlantic since the mid-1990?s International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.-16.09.2004 (P)
Walter, M., C. Mertens, Q. Wang, and M. Rhein Vertical Mixing in the Subpolar North Atlantic International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) 13.-16.09.2004 (P)
Sültenfuß, J., W. Roether, and M. Rhein The Bremen Mass Spectrometric Facility for the Measurement of Helium Isotopes, Neon and Tritium in Water IAEA International Symposium on Quality Assurance for Analytical Methods in Isotope Hydrology Wien (AT) 25.08.2004 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Grundwasserdatierung mit der Helium-Tritium-Methode Hydrogeologisches Kolloquium der RWTH Aachen Aachen (DE) 01.07.2004 (T)
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. M. Smethie, D. A. LeBel, and W. Zenk Changes in the CFC inventories and formation rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 1997-2001 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) 21.-25.06.2004 (P)
Rhein, M., C. Mertens, U. Fleischmann-Wischnath, K. Kirchner, J. Aschmann, and S. Hüttl Transport of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean and across 16 N 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) 21.-25.06.2004 (P)
Sander, H. and M. Rhein Advantages and Disadvantages of Argo Floats Collecting Data in the Subpolar North Atlantic 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) 21.-25.06.2004 (P)
Steinfeldt, R.. and M. Rhein Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) 21.-25.06.2004 (P)
Rhein, M. Southern hemispheric water transport in the western tropical/subtropical Atlantic Tropical Atlantic Variability Workshop De Bilt (NL) 09.06.2004 (T)
Walter, M., J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein Helium Anomalien und vertikale Vermischung am MAR 1. Workshop des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) 03.06.2004 (T)
Huhn, O., and W. Roether Tracer-derived transit time distributions of North Atlantic Deep Water in the South Atlantic 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 30.04.2004 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Radiogenic He - a qualitative tool to date old groundwater 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 29.04.2004 (T)
Walter, M. and M. Rhein Warming of Greenland Sea Deep Water induced by abyssal mixing 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 29.04.2004 (T)
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, D. LeBel, and W. Zenk Changes in the CFC Inventories and Formation Rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water in the Subpolar North Atlantic, 1997-2001 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 28.04.2004 (T)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and M. Walter Mixing of Antarctic Bottom Water in the 7 30' N Fracture Zone of the Midatlantic Ridge 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 28.04.2004 (T)
Rhein, M., and L. Stramma Variability in the Deep Western Boundary Current around the eastern tip of Brazil 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 28.04.2004 (T)
Stramma, L., J. Fischer, F. Schott, I. Yashayaev, D. Kieke, M. Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann Deep water mass variability and spreading in the western subpolar North Atlantic since the mid-90's 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 28.04.2004 (T)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) 28.04.2004 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Heliumisotope im Wasser: ein idealer Tracer in den Geowissenschaften? Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium Göttingen (DE) 17.12.2003 (T)
Massmann, G., A. Knappe, D. Richter, J. Sültenfuß, and A. Pekdeger Application of different tracers to evaluate the flow regime at riverbank-filtration sites in Berlin, Germany 2nd Riverbank Filtration Conference Cincinnati (US) 16.-19.09.2003 (T)
Massmann, G., J. Sültenfuß, A. Knappe, and A. Pekdeger Using the tritium/helium age dating method to characterise two river recharged aquifer systems in Germany IUGG Conference 2003 Sapporo (JP) 30.06.-11.07.2003 (T)
Pape, T., R. Seifert, M. Blumenberg, K. Peterknecht, O. Schmale, V. Thiel, J. Sültenfuß, and W. Michaelis Seep gases, dissolved carbon compounds and noble gases at the Ukrainian Shelf (Black Sea), Part A EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) 10.04.2003 (P)
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, and D. LeBel Spreading and variability of Upper and Classical Labrador Sea Water in the subpolar North Atlantic, 1997-2001 EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) 10.04.2003 (P)
Steinfeldt, R. and M. Rhein Spreading velocities and dilution factors of NADW in the tropical Atlantic EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) 09.04.2003 (T)
Keir, R., J. Greinert, G. Petrick, M. Rhein, and D. Wallace Methane emission from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Gibbs Fracture Zone EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) 09.04.2003 (T)
Kanzow, T., U. Send, W. Zenk, and M. Rhein Monitoring the deep Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 16 N EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) 07.04.2003 (T)
Sültenfuß, J. Grundwasserdatierung mit der Tritium-3Helium-Methode Braunschweiger Grundwasserkolloquium Braunschweig (DE) 25.02.2003 (T)
Kieke, D. Deep Water Circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic investigated with inverse-methods IUP/AWI-Block-Seminar Bremen (DE) 20.01.2003 (T)
Kieke, D. Wassermassenzirkulation im westlichen subpolaren Nordatlantik - Studien mit Invers-Methoden SFB-460 Seminar Kiel (DE) 13.01.2003 (T)
Huhn, O., and W. Roether Age Distributions from Tracer Data in upper North Atlantic Deep Water in the South Atlantic IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) 07.01.2003 (T)
Rhein, M. Tracers: from description to quantification WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (T)
Huhn, O., and W. Roether Age Distributions from Tracer Data in uNADW in the South Atlantic WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (P)
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein Water mass circulation on the western subpolar North Atlantic - studied by an inverse model WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (P)
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and M. Walter Recent Circulation Observations in the Western Tropical Atlantic WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (P)
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein CFC-concentration ages in the North Atlantic WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (P)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Deep Mixing in the Greenland Sea WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) 18.-22.11.2002 (P)
Pekdeger, A., J. Sültenfuß, G. Massmann, A. Knappe, H. el Gamal Grundwasserdatierung mit der Helium-Tritium-Methode FHDGG Tagung Greifswald (DE) 09.05.2002 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Ages and age distributions in the Eastern Mediterranean 34th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Liege (BE) 07.05.2002 (T)
Kanzow, T., U. Send, M. Rhein, and W. Zenk Monitoring the meridional overturning transport in the tropical West-Atlantic EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 22.04.2002 (T)
Rhein, M. Ozeanvariabilität und Klima Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Leipzig (DE) 18.03.2002 (T)
Rhein, M., and C. Böning Labrador Sea Water formation rates: observations and models AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Hawaii (US) 14.02.2002 (T)
LeBel, D. A., W. M. Smethie, J. L. Bullister, E. P. Jones, Min, M. Rhein, W. Roether, D. Smythe-Wright, and R. F. Weiss Chlorofluorocarbon distribution in the North Atlantic, 1996-1998 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Hawaii (US) 14.02.2002 (T)
Mertens, C. Zwischenjährliche Variabilität der Konvektion in der Labradorsee SFB 460 Seminar Kiel (DE) 12.11.2001 (T)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Mixing in the deep Greenland Sea, estimated by standard hydrographic measurements CARTUM Summer-School Gregynog (GB) 19.07.2001 (T)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Über Vermischung in der Grönlandsee IfM-Seminar Hamburg (DE) 24.04.2001 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Age distributions in the transient Eastern Mediterranean circulation EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 30.03.2001 (T)
Mertens, C., F. Schott, and J. Fischer Convective Plumes in the Labrador and Greenland Seas EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 29.03.2001 (T)
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein Spreading and Pathways of Deep Water Masses in the Western Subpolar North Atlantic EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.-31.03.2001 (P)
Rhein, M. Evolution of the LSW in the subpolar North Atlantic, 1991-99 EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.-31.03.2001 (P)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Deep Mixing in the Greenland Sea EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.-31.03.2001 (P)
Kieke, D. Von Otto Krümmel zum SFB 460 - Einblicke in die Ozeanographie des Nordatlantiks IUP-Seminar ''Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre' 'Bremen (DE) 31.10.2000 (T)
Huhn, O., W. Roether, H. Rose, and P. Beining Decomposition of carbon tetrachloride in the ocean EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 29.04.2000 (T)
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein The deep circulation of the Labrador Sea, studied by an inverse model EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 26.04.2000 (T)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Ventilation Pathways for the Deep Greenland Sea EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2000 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. GCM studies of the thermohaline circulation of the eastern Mediterranean EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) 25.04.2000 (T)
Huhn, O., W. Roether, H. Rose, and P. Beining Abbau von CCl4 im Ozean - Ratenbestimmung (und mögliche Mechanismen) Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Bremen (DE) 23.03.2000 (T)
Steinfeldt, R. Modellierung der thermohalinen Zirkulation des östlichen Mittelmeeres Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Bremen (DE) 22.03.2000 (T)
Walter, M., and M. Rhein Ventilation Pathways for the Deep Greenland Sea AGU Ocean Sciences San Antonio (US) 25.01.2000 (T)
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein Geostrophic boundary current transports in the subpolar North Atlantic AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting San Antonio (US) 25.01.2000 (T)