2005 and earlier
2025 |2024 |2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011
2010 |2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 and earlier | T = Talk / P = Poster
2005 | |||
Rhein, M. | Equatorial upwelling rates inferred from Helium isotope data | Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop Venice (IT) | 19.10.2005 (T) |
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, and S. Hüttl | The northward flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N | Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop Venice (IT) | 17.10.2005 (T) |
Kieke, D. | Water mass circulation and associated variability in the subpolar North Atlantic | Sino-German Miniworkshop on Oceanography and Climate Ocean University of ChinaQingdao (CN) | 23.09.2005 (T) |
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, W. Roether, B. Klein, M. Schröder, and M. Schodlok | Tracer measurements in the Weddell Sea, Formation of Deep and Bottom Water | DFG-Kolloquium, 22. Internationale Polartagung der DGP Leipzig (DE) | 21.09.2005 (T) |
Osenbrück K., S. Fiedler, K. Knöller, H. Oster, J. Sültenfuß, and G. Strauch | Modeling the development of nitrate in groundwater of an agriculturally used catchment area, Germany | AIG 6, 6th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry Prag (CZ) | 11.09.2005 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | CFCs as tracers of water masses | CARBOOCEAN Summer School Vigo (ES) | 19.07.2005 (T) |
Stöber, U., M. Walter, C. Mertens, J. Sütenfuß, and M. Rhein | Flow Field and Hydrography at Cheating Bay | 2. Kolloquium des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) | 28.-30.06.2005 (P) |
Huhn, O. | Der Ozean: den Meeresströmungen auf der Spur | Wall-Fest der ''Stadt der Wissenschaft 2005'' Bremen (DE) | 12.06.2005 (T) |
Massmann, G., J. Greskowiak, C. Kohfahl, A. Knappe, B. Ohm, A. Pekdeger, T. Taute, and J. Sültenfuß | Evaluation of the hydrochemical conditions during bank filtration and artificial recharge in Berlin | ISMAR5 Berlin (DE) | 11.-16.06.2005 (T) |
Huhn, O., and M. Rhein | Water mass transformation and spreading using tracers | BONUS Meeting Paris (FR) | 09.05.2005 (T) |
Huhn, O., M. Rhein, B. Klein, M. Schröder, and M. Schodlok | Tracer measurements in the western Weddell Sea: formation of Deep and Bottom Water and the contribution of Ice Shelf Water | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 26.04.2005 (P) |
Kirchner, K., and M. Rhein | The northward Flow of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean Sea and across 16 N | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 26.04.2005 (P) |
Sander, H., and M. Rhein | Application of a new gridding method to ARGO data | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 26.04.2005 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein | Circulation of North Atlantic Deep Water from the Labrador Sea to the tropical Atlantic | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 26.04.2005 (P) |
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and K. Kirchner | Variations of the Geostrophic Transport through the Lesser Antilles Passages | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2005 (T) |
Rhein, M., and B. Klein | Equatorial upwelling rates inferred from helium isotope data | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2005 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. and M. Rhein | NADW properties at the western boundary at 16 N and 10 N | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2005 (T) |
Walter, M., C. Mertens, and M. Rhein | Mixing estimates from a large-scale survey in the North Atlantic | EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2005 (T) |
Kieke, D. | Bildung und Export von Labradorseewasser | SFB-460 Seminar Kiel (DE) | 11.04.2005 (T) |
Rhein, M., C. Mertens,M. Walter, K. Kirchner, R. Steinfeldt, D. Kieke, and U. Fleischmann-Wischnath | Der warme und der kalte Zweig der Zirkulation im westlichen tropischen Atlantik | ''Sonne''-Statusseminar Warnemünde (DE) | 09.03.2005 (T) |
2004 | |||
Rhein, M. | Ozean und Klima | Wissenschaftstage Aurich Aurich (DE) | 12.11.2004 (T) |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, and R. Steinfeldt | Formation rates and Spreading of Labrador Sea Water | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.09.2004 (T) |
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, D. LeBel, and W. Zenk | Variability of ULSW and LSW since 1997 | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.-16.09.2004 (P) |
Kirchner, K., M. Rhein, and S. Hüttl | Pathways and transports of southern hemispheric waters in the tropical/subtropical Western North Atlantic | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.-16.09.2004 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein | Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.-16.09.2004 (P) |
Stramma, L., J. Fischer, F. Schott, I. Yashayaev, D.Kieke, M.Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann | Water mass variability and spreading in the deep western subpolar North Atlantic since the mid-1990?s | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.-16.09.2004 (P) |
Walter, M., C. Mertens, Q. Wang, and M. Rhein | Vertical Mixing in the Subpolar North Atlantic | International North Atlantic CLIVAR Workshop Kiel (DE) | 13.-16.09.2004 (P) |
Sültenfuß, J., W. Roether, and M. Rhein | The Bremen Mass Spectrometric Facility for the Measurement of Helium Isotopes, Neon and Tritium in Water | IAEA International Symposium on Quality Assurance for Analytical Methods in Isotope Hydrology Wien (AT) | 25.08.2004 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Grundwasserdatierung mit der Helium-Tritium-Methode | Hydrogeologisches Kolloquium der RWTH Aachen Aachen (DE) | 01.07.2004 (T) |
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. M. Smethie, D. A. LeBel, and W. Zenk | Changes in the CFC inventories and formation rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 1997-2001 | 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) | 21.-25.06.2004 (P) |
Rhein, M., C. Mertens, U. Fleischmann-Wischnath, K. Kirchner, J. Aschmann, and S. Hüttl | Transport of South Atlantic Water into the Caribbean and across 16 N | 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) | 21.-25.06.2004 (P) |
Sander, H. and M. Rhein | Advantages and Disadvantages of Argo Floats Collecting Data in the Subpolar North Atlantic | 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) | 21.-25.06.2004 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R.. and M. Rhein | Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic | 1st International CLIVAR Conference Baltimore (US) | 21.-25.06.2004 (P) |
Rhein, M. | Southern hemispheric water transport in the western tropical/subtropical Atlantic | Tropical Atlantic Variability Workshop De Bilt (NL) | 09.06.2004 (T) |
Walter, M., J. Sültenfuß, and M. Rhein | Helium Anomalien und vertikale Vermischung am MAR | 1. Workshop des SPP 1144 Etelsen (DE) | 03.06.2004 (T) |
Huhn, O., and W. Roether | Tracer-derived transit time distributions of North Atlantic Deep Water in the South Atlantic | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 30.04.2004 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Radiogenic He - a qualitative tool to date old groundwater | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 29.04.2004 (T) |
Walter, M. and M. Rhein | Warming of Greenland Sea Deep Water induced by abyssal mixing | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 29.04.2004 (T) |
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, D. LeBel, and W. Zenk | Changes in the CFC Inventories and Formation Rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water in the Subpolar North Atlantic, 1997-2001 | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 28.04.2004 (T) |
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and M. Walter | Mixing of Antarctic Bottom Water in the 7 30' N Fracture Zone of the Midatlantic Ridge | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 28.04.2004 (T) |
Rhein, M., and L. Stramma | Variability in the Deep Western Boundary Current around the eastern tip of Brazil | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 28.04.2004 (T) |
Stramma, L., J. Fischer, F. Schott, I. Yashayaev, D. Kieke, M. Rhein, and K. P. Koltermann | Deep water mass variability and spreading in the western subpolar North Atlantic since the mid-90's | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 28.04.2004 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein | Spreading of North Atlantic Deep Water from the subpolar to the tropical Atlantic | 1st EGU General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 28.04.2004 (T) |
2003 | |||
Sültenfuß, J. | Heliumisotope im Wasser: ein idealer Tracer in den Geowissenschaften? | Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium Göttingen (DE) | 17.12.2003 (T) |
Massmann, G., A. Knappe, D. Richter, J. Sültenfuß, and A. Pekdeger | Application of different tracers to evaluate the flow regime at riverbank-filtration sites in Berlin, Germany | 2nd Riverbank Filtration Conference Cincinnati (US) | 16.-19.09.2003 (T) |
Massmann, G., J. Sültenfuß, A. Knappe, and A. Pekdeger | Using the tritium/helium age dating method to characterise two river recharged aquifer systems in Germany | IUGG Conference 2003 Sapporo (JP) | 30.06.-11.07.2003 (T) |
Pape, T., R. Seifert, M. Blumenberg, K. Peterknecht, O. Schmale, V. Thiel, J. Sültenfuß, and W. Michaelis | Seep gases, dissolved carbon compounds and noble gases at the Ukrainian Shelf (Black Sea), Part A | EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) | 10.04.2003 (P) |
Rhein, M., D. Kieke, L. Stramma, W. Smethie, and D. LeBel | Spreading and variability of Upper and Classical Labrador Sea Water in the subpolar North Atlantic, 1997-2001 | EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) | 10.04.2003 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R. and M. Rhein | Spreading velocities and dilution factors of NADW in the tropical Atlantic | EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) | 09.04.2003 (T) |
Keir, R., J. Greinert, G. Petrick, M. Rhein, and D. Wallace | Methane emission from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Gibbs Fracture Zone | EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) | 09.04.2003 (T) |
Kanzow, T., U. Send, W. Zenk, and M. Rhein | Monitoring the deep Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 16 N | EGS-AGU-EGU Joint Assembly Nizza (FR) | 07.04.2003 (T) |
Sültenfuß, J. | Grundwasserdatierung mit der Tritium-3Helium-Methode | Braunschweiger Grundwasserkolloquium Braunschweig (DE) | 25.02.2003 (T) |
Kieke, D. | Deep Water Circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic investigated with inverse-methods | IUP/AWI-Block-Seminar Bremen (DE) | 20.01.2003 (T) |
Kieke, D. | Wassermassenzirkulation im westlichen subpolaren Nordatlantik - Studien mit Invers-Methoden | SFB-460 Seminar Kiel (DE) | 13.01.2003 (T) |
Huhn, O., and W. Roether | Age Distributions from Tracer Data in upper North Atlantic Deep Water in the South Atlantic | IUP-Seminar "Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre" Bremen (DE) | 07.01.2003 (T) |
2002 | |||
Rhein, M. | Tracers: from description to quantification | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (T) |
Huhn, O., and W. Roether | Age Distributions from Tracer Data in uNADW in the South Atlantic | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (P) |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein | Water mass circulation on the western subpolar North Atlantic - studied by an inverse model | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (P) |
Mertens, C., M. Rhein, and M. Walter | Recent Circulation Observations in the Western Tropical Atlantic | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (P) |
Steinfeldt, R., and M. Rhein | CFC-concentration ages in the North Atlantic | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (P) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Deep Mixing in the Greenland Sea | WOCE and Beyond - Final Workshop San Antonio (US) | 18.-22.11.2002 (P) |
Pekdeger, A., J. Sültenfuß, G. Massmann, A. Knappe, H. el Gamal | Grundwasserdatierung mit der Helium-Tritium-Methode | FHDGG Tagung Greifswald (DE) | 09.05.2002 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | Ages and age distributions in the Eastern Mediterranean | 34th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Liege (BE) | 07.05.2002 (T) |
Kanzow, T., U. Send, M. Rhein, and W. Zenk | Monitoring the meridional overturning transport in the tropical West-Atlantic | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 22.04.2002 (T) |
Rhein, M. | Ozeanvariabilität und Klima | Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Leipzig (DE) | 18.03.2002 (T) |
Rhein, M., and C. Böning | Labrador Sea Water formation rates: observations and models | AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Hawaii (US) | 14.02.2002 (T) |
LeBel, D. A., W. M. Smethie, J. L. Bullister, E. P. Jones, Min, M. Rhein, W. Roether, D. Smythe-Wright, and R. F. Weiss | Chlorofluorocarbon distribution in the North Atlantic, 1996-1998 | AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting Hawaii (US) | 14.02.2002 (T) |
2001 | |||
Mertens, C. | Zwischenjährliche Variabilität der Konvektion in der Labradorsee | SFB 460 Seminar Kiel (DE) | 12.11.2001 (T) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Mixing in the deep Greenland Sea, estimated by standard hydrographic measurements | CARTUM Summer-School Gregynog (GB) | 19.07.2001 (T) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Über Vermischung in der Grönlandsee | IfM-Seminar Hamburg (DE) | 24.04.2001 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | Age distributions in the transient Eastern Mediterranean circulation | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 30.03.2001 (T) |
Mertens, C., F. Schott, and J. Fischer | Convective Plumes in the Labrador and Greenland Seas | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 29.03.2001 (T) |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein | Spreading and Pathways of Deep Water Masses in the Western Subpolar North Atlantic | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.-31.03.2001 (P) |
Rhein, M. | Evolution of the LSW in the subpolar North Atlantic, 1991-99 | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.-31.03.2001 (P) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Deep Mixing in the Greenland Sea | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.-31.03.2001 (P) |
2000 | |||
Kieke, D. | Von Otto Krümmel zum SFB 460 - Einblicke in die Ozeanographie des Nordatlantiks | IUP-Seminar ''Ozean, Eis und Atmosphäre' 'Bremen (DE) | 31.10.2000 (T) |
Huhn, O., W. Roether, H. Rose, and P. Beining | Decomposition of carbon tetrachloride in the ocean | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 29.04.2000 (T) |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein | The deep circulation of the Labrador Sea, studied by an inverse model | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 26.04.2000 (T) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Ventilation Pathways for the Deep Greenland Sea | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2000 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | GCM studies of the thermohaline circulation of the eastern Mediterranean | EGS General Assembly Nizza (FR) | 25.04.2000 (T) |
Huhn, O., W. Roether, H. Rose, and P. Beining | Abbau von CCl4 im Ozean - Ratenbestimmung (und mögliche Mechanismen) | Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Bremen (DE) | 23.03.2000 (T) |
Steinfeldt, R. | Modellierung der thermohalinen Zirkulation des östlichen Mittelmeeres | Tagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Bremen (DE) | 22.03.2000 (T) |
Walter, M., and M. Rhein | Ventilation Pathways for the Deep Greenland Sea | AGU Ocean Sciences San Antonio (US) | 25.01.2000 (T) |
Kieke, D., and M. Rhein | Geostrophic boundary current transports in the subpolar North Atlantic | AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting San Antonio (US) | 25.01.2000 (T) |